Return FAQ's

Can I change my order after it has been placed?

Unfortunately we are unable to guarantee your change if you decide to swap an item. This is due to the speed that our dispatch team operates. Once your item is sent, we are unable to change anything on the order.

Do I have a warranty on my items?

Yes, you do have a warranty. Gel Ball Undercover does not aim to exclude anyone from the Australian Consumer Law.

How do I ship my order back to you?

This depends on if your item is within warranty or not.

- For warranty items we ask you reach out to our support team via email. They will be able to assist you further and arrange return.

- For non-warranty items we ask that you insert a note inside your blaster explaining your reasoning for sending the item. Please ensure that you have spoken to a GBU support team member as we do not work on or repair any item that without correspondence.